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Friday, August 12, 2011


Heres the thing.

It started by something that my friend, also my next-door-neighbour, was involved in when she was in secondary school. She was scammed by a girl who acted to be some guy (real guy who really exist, her super cute cousin) and when my friend realised that she was scammed (not the most appropriate word, but I cant find other that wont humiliate her. So, she(my friend) doesnt want to have any other relationship with that girl. Suddenly, a friend request came from the cousin, lets just called him E why wont we? So, E, the guy that the girl pretended to be (confusing much?) sent a friend request to my friend. My friend, initial F, was suspicious of this E, since she afraid that the guy might be a 'she' again. Due to this, she started investigating E's fb, and also the fb of the girl he is having relationship with. While investigating, we (my friend who is in my room, my roommate and I) read the posts and they were all very2 lovey-dovey to the point that it is sickening.

So, my roommate and my friend was like criticising them and was like 'this is so unreal', 'they are so sickening' and such. Being the lone ranger on this, I just stated that its their fb account. They have the right to post such things. The point is simple, if you dont like it, dont read it. But, both of them still said that they shouldnt do this, they should think of others (seriously, in my point of view, they (F and my roommates, F2 are just being stupid, jealous girls) I clearly stated my point which is, 'If you dont like it, then dont read it.' Simple rules of freedom of speech and freedom of right not to read.

And suddenly F2 said, jokingly (that doesnt come across as a joke, AT ALL!) "Bihah (thats what I asked them to call me) never coupled with anyone so Bihah doesnt understand the feeling of being betrayed." What the fuck?!! (pardon for the extremely 'nice' word) She doesnt know me, so how dare she says that to me?!!! You dont need to coupled to be betrayed, you just need a guy! And I already understand that kind of feeling. What she said really make me feels like I want to scream.

Yo, babe! If the reason why we are having contradicting opinion is because I never coupled, then for what reason does the freedom of speech is enacted for?! Fuck! Its my own lifestyle, and even if YOU considered it as laughable thing, I dont! Seriously felt like Im being looked down upon.

"Apa? Couple tu baek sangat ke?! Tak couple tu dosa ke?" I seriously want to say that to her face. Just to let her know that what she just said, cant be taken as a joke at all. Seriously.... FUCK!!! I wanna go back Taiping, back to the people who understand me, and not be here with people who thinks something that I really lack of as something that are jokeable.

What should I do when I hate my roommate? *____*