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Monday, May 20, 2013

Love Letter: Part 2

I stop to think as I stare out into spaces again.
Should I write you a love letter?
A girly, flowery, pretty love letter?
Something that I could pour my heart into?
Giving you a secret door to myself.
That had never been open before by anyone else.
Should I do that?
For you to understand my feeling?
The feeling that I have been hiding.
The doki, doki sound my heart are making when you are around.
Ah! Suddenly feel like I am such an idiot.
This is the effect when I started thinking of you.
My thought started becoming shorter and all I can think is how sweet you are.
Whenever you are with me.
And also how I can't stand it when you are with another girls.
Though you always say that they are all just your friends.
Friends that I know hold feelings for you.

Did you know that too?
Ah! Why am I still thinking about this?
Why is it that the thoughts of you are filling up my brain?
Even at the time, when I got a letter to write.
Ah! Could it be the reason is because,
I am thinking of you always?
Even when you aren't there beside me.
The thought of you kept on filling up the my head.
As easily as the oxygen being taken in.
Maybe I am even addicted to you?
So, should I write you a love letter?
A girly, flowery, scented love letter?
Even though both of us know that is not the type of girl I am.
But, is the type of girl I am, the type of girl that you like?
Sometimes I even wonder,
Have you ever see me as girl?
More rightly, have you ever see the girl deep inside of me?
The fluffy type of girl that had always been there
But, is always too scared to come out.
Too scared to step up for fear of breaking her own heart.
I want to write you a love letter.
A girly, flowery, frilly love letter.
That would convey my feeling.
The love I hold towards you.
Maybe I should do that.
If that's what it takes to you notice me more.

Love Story: Part 1

Watching the sunset inside my own room as I twirl the pen in my hand.
The blank paper stay lifelessly on top of the table.
Patiently waiting for the inks to pay a visit.
Waiting for me to start making up my mind and decide what I want to do.
And that is why I am thinking hard.
Thinking of what to do to pass my time.
Thinking of something to show my feelings right now.
The feeling that are being overwhelmed.
The feeling like I'm being filled with butterflies.
A weird feeling indeed.
A thought came to my mind as I stare out the window.
Watching birds flying in flocks.
Seemingly like white angels trying to spread happiness to the whole wide world.
Why won't they come to me?
And give me a piece of that small heaven they are carrying.
Something that would give me inspiration.
Something that would let me know, what I should do right now.
To show the feelings that are being kept inside of me.
The feeling that are even unknown to myself.
The feelings that are being kept a secret by my heart.
I suddenly stop thinking and started watching the butterflies playing with my head.
No doubt, this is when the idea embraced me
Exactly the moment my brain started taking in the images of the beautiful butterflies.
Something that is simple and straight-forward.
Something that would just flow fluently from my brain, connected with my heart.
Though this is the first time in my life that I am thinking of writing a letter.
A letter to someone that I do not know.
A letter that contain something that is a secret.
Even to me.
My courageous pen still stay at my hand.
Though it is a bit awkward to see it stay so rigidly,
In contrast with how actively it had always seems to be dancing before.
Now, it looks so serious at the palm of my hand,
still waiting for my brain to make up its mind, of what I should write.
Without any notice, suddenly my face blush.
Heat started to flows to the top of my head making me dizzy.
Surely this is only a trick of my heart?
Since all that came to my mind is you.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

putik yang tertutup

Aku mahu berubah
Dari putik bunga yang tertutup
Kepada kembangan bunga yang mekar.

Aku tahu diri aku
Aku tahu batas aku 
Aku tahu salah aku
Mungkin ada masa aku alpa
Ada masa aku terlupa
Ada masa aku keliru dengan semua
Dan ada masa aku terjerat dengan ego aku sendiri.

Aku mahu berubah
Dari beluncas yang hina
Kepada rama-rama yang bersinar.

Tolong jangan diulang lemah aku semalam
Tolong jangan dihapuskan sayap kecil aku yang lemah
Tolong jangan ditolak aku ke tepi

Tolong aku untuk terbang
Tolong jaga kepompong aku
Tolong aku untuk aku berubah

Kerana sesungguhnya aku terlalu lemah
Untuk aku lakukan semua sendiri
Untuk aku lawan arus ego aku 
Untuk aku teguhkan usaha aku
Untuk aku keluar dari kepompong selesa aku.

Jangan tinggalkan aku.
Jangan diungkit pahit masa lampau aku.


aku manusia
yang takut kepada manusia.
aku takut
dengan mata-mata yang lantang bersuara
dengan mulut-mulut yang tajam menikam.

aku tahu aku bukan yang terbaik.
aku tahu aku banyak salah dan dosa.
aku tahu aku tak sempurna.
aku tahu
aku manusia.

kerana itu
perlukah jelingan-jelingan hina itu?
perlukah bisikan-bisikan yang memekakkan itu?
perlukah lontaran-lontaran pandangan bisu itu?

aku takut.
aku takut apa lagi salah aku yang mampu mereka cungkilkan.
aku takut apa lagi laku aku yang mereka tidak puas.
aku takut bila aku ditolak kuat ke posisi ini
dan kemudian aku jadi takut
kepada mereka.

bukan aku ingin membenci mereka.
aku tak benci.
aku takut.
aku takut dengan apa lagi yang mampu mereka buang kepada aku.
aku takut dengan apa yang mereka mahukan dari aku.
aku takut yang mereka perlukan aku
untuk menjadi mereka.
aku takut 
aku adalah aku
selamanya aku adalah aku
dan tak mungkin aku mampu 
untuk mencapai tahap yang mereka mahukan dari aku.

sesungguhnya aku tidak mahu itu
aku tak mahu mengubah diri aku
kepada sesuatu 
yang dengan mudah
menilai diri aku 
dengan mata kasar mereka.

aku tak mahu untuk menjadi mereka
yang megah dengan diri mereka 
bagaikan mereka tiada silapnya.

aku tak mahu untuk menjadi mereka
aku takut kepada mereka.