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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My crazy + hectic + lonely life are back!!!!!

I miz my sistah soooooo much.. Syukur dia nak balik balik utk cuti n hri anugrah nie..
I'm currently mad at this girl.. Not mr.pulasan sih~ he (?) were an old story.. Though he (??) is still freakin annoying!!! Lalalaaa.. Berbalik kpd minah 2.. She really, max pnyer really, xreti nk jga air mka org laen!! ARgh!!!! STUPID!!!!
Talking 'bout stupid, aku tlah brbah m'jd cm mnah2 laen yg t'trllu fkrkan psl llaki smpai xtmpukn prhatian... AHHHH!!!!! HATE T'!! HATE IT!!!! Ia adalah perasaan yg btl2 xbez ble kter bncikan dri sndri... And the worse thing is, I dont hav anyone to tell all this stupid feeling of me..... Mai~ mIz_YoU!!!!
Hdup aku stabil (?) skrg nie... Stabil ke?? Juz gle skit dgn gosip(????).. Ya.. COming to that, aku btl2 rser nk ngis hri 2 ble mnah pndai 2 pbdai2 bgtaw 1 klas psl gosip banggang gla babi hutan 2!!!!! Mmg r.. AKu btl2 rser klaw mai ad, aku mmg dh nngis.. Knpa aku dh jd lmah mcm ni? Aku xnk.... Tp 2 yg aku dh jd........ AAAA!!!!!!!!
~ble aku dh besa, aku akn bca sune nie blk n fkir btpa bdohnya aku~