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Friday, December 18, 2009

erm.... new year, new start...

b4 holiday, we kinda settle all the stupid misunderstand and drama. and hopefully next year would be better.. just hoping 4 da bez.. thn dpn sumer dh f.5, sumer dh bz dgn spm so hrap2 xda dh r drama2 nie sumer... but mybe.. ak yg t'llu byk fkir.. haha... new year, new way of thinking. Still, guys, i miss you all!!! Wanna see u soon... To all the seniors, u guys r the bez.. although we had our ups and downs, mainly downs.. i will still miss and respect u always!

It's a new beginning of a new start to a great life... hopefully.

angel eye..
dun cry ur tears, its a new day..
angel eyes,
everything going to be okay..
throw ur doubts away...
of happy tomorrow,
there would be me by urside..
and dreams..
ike miracles falling..
after we said goodnight..
lets fly away on wings of salvation..
dun look down..
colours the gray and welcome perfection..
all around..
